How well are you doing with your control and perspective? Are you a Crazy Maker, Captain and Commander, Responder, or Micro Manager? In less than two minutes, the GTD-Q® will give you visual results about your current reality, describe your strengths, and offer opportunities for improvement.

Your results will change, as your control and perspective shifts, so you can retake the assessment as often as you like.

I have conflicting priorities.
I have a hard time finding things when I need them.
I am living the life that I want.
My email is under control and well managed.
I know where I am going and how to get there.
I have too many things on my mind.
I'm working harder and falling further behind.
I feel like things are falling through the cracks.
I am overcommitted.
I keep up with my workload.
The key areas of my work and life are in balance.
I have a good way to track all of my things to do.
I have clear, well-defined goals.
I feel like I am on the right track to reach my goals.
My day to day activities are aligned with my larger goals.
I feel like I am spending my time on the right things.
I'm afraid that I'm not paying enough attention to really important things.
My life is too chaotic.